
Replay Title Format

Typically I save replays, no matter what I'm playing. The exception was with «Somebody.Else» where I was simply trying to lose 10 games A.S.A.P. and wasn't interested in saving 10 replays that were 0:02 each.

If I were to save a replay right now (say it's a 2v2 with my friend «One-Mad-Man» against «Sabido» and «Stranger2Me» in ladder play), this is what I'd name it:
[ Tony . Sabido Stranger2Me ]
[ yy.mo.dd.hh.mm.gametype ally . enemy enemy ]
Since One-Mad-Man is Tony, I put his name. It's a good memory excercize to remember a person's name.

I'd like to title them to include what race they are as well as the time finished and names...
[ Tony . Sabido Stranger2Me ]
Perhaps I should eliminate the dots between time elements...
[ 0609020942nnoh Tony. Sabido Stranger2Me ]
(I like that! =)


matt said...

i use matchupmapopponent format, winner's race first.

e.g. hvnTSgosu4u[ap]

btw, you might want to change settings to allow anonymous comments so people don't need an account.

Somebody Else said...


Thanks Matt =)