
Clockwerk Goblins + Zeppelins

Those bastards got to my idea first -.-
Like Goblin Sappers, you cannot carry Clockwerk Goblins in a transport. Otherwise you would load up transports with them and blow up entire towns and that wouldn't be any fun for the person being blown up, but what do you care because you'd be having fun blowing people up! Anyway... it's not allowed...

I had my hopes up.

Kaboom + Faerie Fire + Acid Bomb?

While replying to a comment on my previous post, I decided to look up how much damage Sapper's Kaboom! does. My idea was that a Shredder could, on a map such as Twisted Meadows, cut along the back line of trees towards the back of an enemy base, then deploy some Sappers through the new back door. Maybe target these:

Entangled Gold Mine: 800.2
Haunted Gold Mine: 800.5
Peasant: 220.0
Peon: 250.0
Wisp: 120.0
Acolyte: 220.0
Ghoul: 340.0:6
[ Unit/Structure: HP.MinArmor:MaxArmor ]
Deals 750 damage to buildings, 250 damage to all units, 185 damage to Heroes. These values are reduced by armor values such as '5 armor', but do not interact with armor types such as Medium armor. Effective against buildings and trees. Using this ability destroys the Goblin Sappers.
Full damage radius: 10. Half Damage Radius: 25.

Does this mean that a unit with negative armor takes more damage from Kaboom?!



«Manwe.Eru» was my main account for several years. I even had it before I bought TFT! In the clan I created, I taught myself by teaching others how to play. There was (and still is) a lot of strategies being created. «One-Mad-Man» and «Kemi-25» were the people I had shared my strategies with. Kim (Kemi-25) and I even achieved 26-1 in AT 2v2, a major accomplishment for two noobs. That was a long time ago, though; Clan Eru's been remade at least twice since then.

On Sunday (September 10, 2006), I uninstalled Warcraft III. There's a problem, though...

I can't stop making strategies! Since the weekend, I've come up with two new tactics to be used effectively:
  • Use a Goblin Zeppelin to retrieve wounded units in a battle. Be careful against Raiders, Fiends, and enemy air units though.
  • Use a Staff of Preservation on a Zeppelin that's filled with wounded units. Unload them and heal at a moon well. Toss 'em back into the Zep and bring them back to battle, preferably blocking an enemy retreat.
I've also thought of World of Warcraft, and how there were mods that added a Damage Per Second (DPS) meter to the UI. After I uninstalled WC3, I went to Battle.net and looked up NE unit stats. I then took a small notebook and wrote down certain stats, such as DPS (Damage divided by Cooldown). I found some useful information. Little Bears (Initiate and Adept Druid of the Claw) have a pretty high DPS for the noobelves. Big Bears are seconded by Kims (Chimaera). After that realization I modified my strategy to involve Bears more often.

Faerie Fire decreases armor by 4 points. Acid Bomb reduces armor by 3/4/5 points, depending on level. The two combined typically cause an enemy unit to have negative armor, which causes the unit to take extra damage. I further modified my strat to include the Goblin Alchemist as a second hero.

Another Goblin fact: Goblin Shredder's DPS is 33.9.
Big Bear's DPS is 24.3-31.3 (depending on upgrades).
Shredders are available at 5 minutes into the game at a price comparable to bears.
I've never had a Big Bear at 7 minutes into the game. I doubt I've even had a Little Bear at 7 minutes.
  • Think: Shredders are mechanical! Death Coil doesn't work. Frost Nova doesn't work. Chain Lightning doesn't work. Shadow Strike doesn't work. Storm Bolt doesn't work. Dark Arrow doesn't work. They don't have mana; Feedback is useless.
  • Think: Wisps could be used to repair those shredders as they're fighting. If the Shredders get in the red, use your Zeppelin or Staff of Preservation.
  • Think: Wisps could be loaded into a Zep, taken over enemy casters, deployed, and detonated.
  • Think: Zeps don't cost food. This is a major plus for my non-bear strategies; I typically stay at 50 food and save my money to create new armies after my existing ones get owned (happens often with archers - 245 hp).
I'm also thinking that Hippogryphs would be very nice for scouting. Their movement speed is 400.


Replay Title Format

Typically I save replays, no matter what I'm playing. The exception was with «Somebody.Else» where I was simply trying to lose 10 games A.S.A.P. and wasn't interested in saving 10 replays that were 0:02 each.

If I were to save a replay right now (say it's a 2v2 with my friend «One-Mad-Man» against «Sabido» and «Stranger2Me» in ladder play), this is what I'd name it:
[ Tony . Sabido Stranger2Me ]
[ yy.mo.dd.hh.mm.gametype ally . enemy enemy ]
Since One-Mad-Man is Tony, I put his name. It's a good memory excercize to remember a person's name.

I'd like to title them to include what race they are as well as the time finished and names...
[ Tony . Sabido Stranger2Me ]
Perhaps I should eliminate the dots between time elements...
[ 0609020942nnoh Tony. Sabido Stranger2Me ]
(I like that! =)

WarKeys and AutoHotKey

WarKeys is a program that customizes Warcraft III slot hotkeys.
AutoHotKey is a program that's for any keyboard and mouse hotkey use modification/macro creation.

I changed my middle clicker to Num Pad 7 for teleportation use, and I aligned the Warcraft keys by grid position, but changed the learning keys so that the top row is bottom keys and the other learning keys are blank...

Yay for a blog (!)

Figured I'd mimic Matt. I would like to compete against him in ladder play in Season 4...

It'll be interesting to see how much I suck.

Alittle info about this blog:

Warcraft III, or Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne is a multiplayer real-time strategy pc game made by Blizzard Entertainment. I'm not a pro, but I know strategy. If you'd like tips, drop me a line; I check for comments on recent (top 5) blog posts.

I'll be providing wallpaper and a couple mods such as AutoHotkey and WarKeys that are only hotkey modifications. These mods are nothing like you can get in World of Warcraft, which include UI mods that are just crazy.

This won't contain any gamepro-quality news or reviews, nor include any demos. Neither will it include cd key cracks, cheats, etc..

I might include some friend's maps that are in beta.

Enjoy ;)